14 January 2010

My usability presentation

This morning I gave a presentation to my colleagues on usability. Just a short introduction, but I tried to make it a bit of fun too. I came up with the idea of using small paper models as gifts, and scoured the interweb until I found these beautiful models at ReadyMech.

After much late night cutting and swearing, and a last minute dash to the shops for more double-sided sticky tape, I had 7 gorgeous critters sitting in my lounge: [sorry, haven't downloaded the pics from my camera, slack I know!].

I set a table with "places" for each attendee, a little paper monster, some lollies, a little "Usability is cool!" flag, and my written brochure style report. We discussed what usability is, and how it affects our e-learning work. It was nice to have a discussion about a topic I am passionate about, and I enjoyed sharing my research and resources with everyone.

Here is the report, I hope it give you an insight into the wonderful world of usability and related fields.

1 comment:

  1. I had a strange experience recently where I found a local site very unusable, except at the initial part where I joined and gave my credit card details. Once I was in the account, on my account area, the options were limited, and I got errors everytime I tried to do what I was supposed to do on the site. I happened to know their PR person, who I complained to (only an email address - no other contact details - on the website, and after 3 days I still had no reply), and after some back and forthing about the website on facebook with my PR friend, he told me to shut up about it! In fact now we are no longer friends! My complaints was about to create work for the website owner, and as their PR person, he did not want to create waves and lose a client! So nothing has changed on their website, and it still doesn't work. A sad, but true tale of why some websites don't work or are unusable, and it's because to get that way requires work.
